Fat-dissolving injections are used to treat localised fatty deposits that appear resistant to diet and physical activity. The injections can be used to reduce stubborn fat in the face and body.
Ultra Cavitation utilises ultrasound technology to destroy fat cells to reduce specific areas of fat storage. Used for circumference reduction (inch loss), cellulite reduction and breaking down 'chunky' thighs
Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) is the only non-surgical and patented fat-reduction procedure that the FDA cleared that helps freeze fat away from your body.
Equivalent to 36,000 crunches in 30 minutes without any sweat. The HIFEM continuously expands and contracts your muscles to deeply reshape and strengthen muscles.
Is an aesthetic technique that uses Radio Frequency energy to heat tissue and stimulate sub-dermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.
PDO thread lift places biodegradable polyester suture under the skin to stimulate collagen for months after treatment to tighten and lift sagging skin.
Pain-free technology that combines 3 wavelengths, and sapphire contact cooling for all skin types and hair colours. Used to treat face, neck, chest, back, hands, arms, legs, and feet.
Profhilo® is a new hyaluronic acid product that counteracts the physiological reduction of hyaluronic acid in the skin to restore hydration, elasticity, and skin tone. The secret to everlasting glowing skin.